
We need your support

Our Greets (informal tours of our city with local residents) are always free of charge.

We are a charitable association, our members always work on a voluntary basis. We do not advertise and we don't make a profit.

  • Here is how you can support us:
    Recommend us to your family, friends, acquaintances, your employer or your company.
  • We are grateful for suggestions or any constructive criticisms (contact).
  • You can also help us by introducing us to your local tourist office or to your local newspaper so that people in your area can get to know us.
  • If you find our work positive and worthwhile, we would be very grateful for a donation (in cash, by a one-time transfer or as promoter a regular donation). This will help us cover our running costs (website and public relations work).


IBAN: DE08 7605 0101 0015 2811 73


Bank: Sparkasse Nuremberg

"Success is the sum of all those involved!

(Guests, Greeters and Supporters)

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